Educational offer


Please be aware that all studies are conducted in Polish*!!!!

*except Management MA (International Business, blended learning)


- At medical fields of study practical classes and internships are held in health care institutions therefore students are obliged to comply with the procedures and internal regulations applicable in them concerning among others immunization and the use of protective clothing. Failure to meet the aforementioned requirements can prevent the student from achieving the assumed learning outcomes.

- Candidates of Medical fields and Polish Philology studies should submit the document that proves the knowledge of Polish language (at least B2 level is required).



Bachelor’s degree (BD) /  Studia pierwszego stopnia (SPS)

Field of study / Kierunek studiów

Educational paths/ Ścieżki kształcenia

Administration FTS and ExS

Administracja S i NS


Agribusiness (3,5-year engineering studies) FTS and ExS

Agrobiznes (3,5-letnie studia inżynierskie) S i NS


National Security FTS and ExS

Bezpieczeństwo narodowe  S i NS


1. Cyberspace protection/ Ochrona cyberprzestrzeni

2. Cyber Media/ Cybermedia

3. Cyber threat/ Cyberzagrożenia

4. Management of airport security and quality  / Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i jakością w portach lotniczych

5. Logistic security of airports / Zabezpieczenie logistyczne portów lotniczych




1. Security and public order/ Bezpieczeństwo i porządek publiczny

2. Civil protection systems / Systemy ochrony ludności

3. National defense / National defense

4. Crisis management / Crisis management

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Dietetics  FTS and ExS

Dietetyka S i SN       

There is an option to choose a block of classes related to:

- clinical dietetics

- health education

- sports nutrition

For admission to medical faculties, a document proving knowledge of Polish at min.B2 level is required (to be submitted together with the admission documents)

Applicants who will be admitted to the first year of study must submit a medical certificate (from a Polish doctor) stating that there are no contraindications for professional practice. A referral to a doctor must be obtained from the Pomeranian University in Słupsk after enrollment.

At the faculties of medicine, practical classes and internships take place in medical institutions. Students are obliged to comply with internal requirements (e.g. compulsory vaccinations for health care workers, medical clothing, etc.). Non-compliance with these conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the study program.



Biology FTS and ExS

Biologia S i SN

1. Teaching educational path (t)/ Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

2. Medical biology/ Biologia medyczna

3. Gardening / Sztuka ogrodowa

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Commanding and Management

FTS and ExS 

Dowodzenie i zarządzanie S i SN

1. Commanding of uniformed public services / Dowodzenie grupami dyspozycyjnymi

2. Logistics in uniformed public services / Logistyka w grupach dyspozycyjnych

3. Security and defence management / Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i obronnością

4. Security and defence management (this course is carried out in English in the 4th semester of study - at least B2 level is required)

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st semester of study

Art education in the area of musical art FTS (n)

Edukacja artystyczna w zakresie sztuki muzycznej  S (n)

1. Music in the class room / Muzyka w szkole

2. Vocal-instrumental ensembles in pop music / Zespoły wokalno-instrumentalne w muzyce estradowej

3. Multimedia techniques / Techniki multimedialne

There is an entrance exam at the faculty:

   - performing 2 pieces of different character on any musical instrument (additionally on the piano)

   - singing of 1 song

   - testing of musical ear and sense of rhythm

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

English Philology FTS and ExS

Filologia angielska S i NS

1. English Philology – translation/ Filologia angielska – translatoryczna

2. English Philology (t)/ Filologia angielska (n)

3. English Philology – Media Communication/ Filologia angielska- komunikacja w mediach

Educational paths is chosen after the 3rd semester of study

German Philology FTS

Filologia germańska S

1. German Philology (t)/ Filologia germańska (n)

2. German Philology – German language in business and tourism/ Filologia germańska – j. niemiecki w biznesie i turystyce

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Russian Philology FTS

Filologia rosyjska S


1. Business Communication / Komunikacja biznesowa

2. Language in professional sphere and HR in tourism / Język branżowy I HR w turystyce

3. Polish as a foreign language / Język polski jako obcy

4. Basics of internet journalism / Podstawy dziennikarstwa internetowego

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Polish Philology FTS

Filologia polska S

1. Publishing and editing/ Wydawniczo – redaktorska

2. Teaching specialisation/ Ścieżka nauczycielska

3. Copywriting and social media / Copywriting i media społecznościowe

4. Regional education / Edukacja regionalna

Admission to the Faculty of Polish Philology requires a document proving a good knowledge of the Polish language at the level (to be submitted together with the admission documents).

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Geography FTS and ExS

Geografia S i NS

1. Shaping and management of the natural environment/ Kształtowanie i zarządzanie środowiskiem przyrodniczym

2. Agronomy / Agronomia

3. Geoinformation  and spatial data analysis / Geoinformacja i analiza danych przestrzennych

4. Teaching educational path (t) / Ściezka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Spatial management FTS and ExS*

Gospodarka przestrzenna S i NS*


History FTS

Historia S

1. Archivistics and Pomeranian history / Archiwistyka i historia Pomorza

2. Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

3. Public history: history in the media space / Public history: historia w przestrzeni medialnej

4. History in culture animation and tourism / Historia w animacji kultury i w turystyce

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Informatics (3,5-year engineering studies) FTS and ExS

Informatyka (3,5 letnie inżynierskie) S i NS

1. Programming / Programowanie w inżynierii

2. Data analysis in Business Intelligence / Analiza danych w  Business Intelligence

3. Programming / Programowanie

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st semester of study

Industrial IT (3,5-year engineering studies) FTS

Informatyka przemysłowa (3,5-letnie studia inżynierskie) S

1. Industrial computer systems / Komputerowe systemy przemysłowe

2. Internet of things / Internet rzeczy

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Cyberspace Engineering BD (3,5-year engineering studies)  FTS and ExS

Inżynieria cyberprzestrzeni SPS (3,5-letnie studia inżynierskie)  S i NS

After 1 semester, the study continues within the specialty: cybersecurity with cryptology.

Communication in marketing S*'

Komunikacja marketingowa S*'


Cosmetology FTS and ExS

Kosmetologia S i NS

  • Cosmetology / Kosmetologia ogólna

For admission to medical faculties, a document proving knowledge of Polish at min.B2 level is required (to be submitted together with the admission documents).

Applicants who will be admitted to the first year of study must submit a medical certificate (from a Polish doctor) stating that there are no contraindications for professional practice. A referral to a doctor must be obtained from the Pomeranian University in Słupsk after enrollment.

At the faculties of medicine, practical classes and internships take place in medical institutions. Students are obliged to comply with internal requirements (e.g. compulsory vaccinations for health care workers, medical clothing, etc.). Non-compliance with these conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the study program.

Logistics FTS and ExS

Logistyka  S i SN

1. Transpost and freight forwarding / Transport i spedycja

2. Maritime logistics / Logistyka morska

3. Logistics systems of the enterprise / Systemy logistyczne przedsiębiorstw

Educational paths is chosen after the 3rd semester of study

Mathematics and Computer Science FTS and ExS

Matematyka z informatyką S i NS

  • Teaching studies /  Studia nauczycielskie


Environmental Protection FTS

Ochrona środowiska S


1. Eco-energetics / Ekoenergetyka

2. Biomonitoring and balanced development/ Biomonitoring i zrównoważony rozwój

3. Communal, water and sewage management systems / Gospodarka komunalna i wodno-ściekowa

4. Natural management of urban space / Przyrodnicze zarządzanie przestrzenią miejską

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Restoring energy sources FTS*

Odnawialne źródła energii S*


Pedagogy FTS and ExS

Pedagogika S i NS

Pedagogical educational paths:

1. Psychopedagogy / Psychopedagogika

2. Care and educational pedagogy with social help / Pedagogika opiekuńczo – wychowawcza z pomocą społeczną

Non-pedagogical educational paths:

1. Penitentiary pedagogy with social prevention/ Pedagogika penitencjarna z profilaktyką społeczną

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Resocialization Pedagogy with Crisis Intervention  FTS and ExS

Pedagogika resocjalizacyjna z interwencją kryzysową  S i NS

  • Teaching specialization / Ścieżka nauczycielska

Nursing FTS

Pielęgniarstwo S

For admission to medical faculties, a document proving knowledge of Polish at min.B2 level is required (to be submitted together with the admission documents).

Applicants who will be admitted to the first year of study must submit a medical certificate (from a Polish doctor) stating that there are no contraindications for professional practice. A referral to a doctor must be obtained from the Pomeranian University in Słupsk after enrollment.

At the faculties of medicine, practical classes and internships take place in medical institutions. Students are obliged to comply with internal requirements (e.g. compulsory vaccinations for health care workers, medical clothing, etc.). Non-compliance with these conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the study program.

Midwifery FTS

Położnictwo S

For admission to medical faculties, a document proving knowledge of Polish at min.B2 level is required (to be submitted together with the admission documents).

Applicants who will be admitted to the first year of study must submit a medical certificate (from a Polish doctor) stating that there are no contraindications for professional practice. A referral to a doctor must be obtained from the Pomeranian University in Słupsk after enrollment.

At the faculties of medicine, practical classes and internships take place in medical institutions. Students are obliged to comply with internal requirements (e.g. compulsory vaccinations for health care workers, medical clothing, etc.). Non-compliance with these conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the study program.

Social work FTS and ExS

Praca socjalna S i NS

  • Social work in social assistance in multi-cultural environment / Praca socjalna w pomocy społecznej w środowisku wielokulturowym

Medical rescue FTS and ExS Ratownictwo medyczne S i NS

For admission to medical faculties, a document proving knowledge of Polish at min.B2 level is required (to be submitted together with the admission documents).

Applicants who will be admitted to the first year of study must submit a medical certificate (from a Polish doctor) stating that there are no contraindications for professional practice. A referral to a doctor must be obtained from the Pomeranian University in Słupsk after enrollment.

At the faculties of medicine, practical classes and internships take place in medical institutions. Students are obliged to comply with internal requirements (e.g. compulsory vaccinations for health care workers, medical clothing, etc.). Non-compliance with these

Sociology FTS and ExS

Socjologia S i NS

1. Criminology and penitentiary sociology / Kryminologia i socjologia penitencjarna

2. Crime prevention with social psychology / Prewencja kryminalna z socjopsychologią

3. European integration  / Integracja europejska

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Tourism and recreation FTS and ExS

Turystyka i rekreacja S i NS

1. Health tourism / Turystyka zdrowotna

2. Active tourism / Turystyka aktywna

3. Tourism in coastal zones / Turystyka w strefie nadmorskiej

4. Multimedia in tourism / Multimedia w turystyce

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st year of study

Management FTS, ExS

Zarządzanie S, NS

1. Business management / Zarządzanie biznesem

2. Human resources management / Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi

3. Financial management and accounting /  Zarządzanie finansami i rachunkowość

4. Marketing and sales management / Marketing i zarządzanie sprzedażą

5. Hotel and gastronomy management (only FTS) / Zarządzanie w hotelarstwie i gastronomii

Educational paths is chosen after the 3rd semester of study


* the field  of study launches with Ministry of Education and Science approval / * kierunek zostanie uruchomiony po uzyskaniu akceptacji MEiN

**upon receipt of the consent of the MEiN to start the Industrial Computer Science,  Technology and Computer Science Education will be removed from the offer of studies at the Pomeranian University, and candidates recruiting for Technology and Computer Science Education will be automatically assigned to recruitment for  Industrial Computer Science

*' Enrolment for the field of study will be opened after obtaining the consent of the Senate of the  Pomeranian University to start studies

FTS -  full-time studies / S – studia stacjonarne

ExS – extra mural studies / NS – studia niestacjonarne

(t) teaching educational path / (n) ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska


Uniform Master's studies / Jednolite studia magisterskie


Field of study / Kierunek studiów

Educational paths/ Ścieżki kształcenia

Physiotherapy  FTS

Fizjoterapia S

1. Physiotherapy in wellness medicine/Fizjoterapia w medycynie uzdrowiskowej

2. Rehabilitation during geriatric care/Rehabilitacja w opiece geriatrycznej

For admission to medical faculties, a document proving knowledge of Polish at min.B2 level is required (to be submitted together with the admission documents)

Applicants who will be admitted to the first year of study must submit a medical certificate (from a Polish doctor) stating that there are no contraindications for professional practice. A referral to a doctor must be obtained from the Pomeranian University in Słupsk after enrollment.

At the faculties of medicine, practical classes and internships take place in medical institutions. Students are obliged to comply with internal requirements (e.g. compulsory vaccinations for health care workers, medical clothing, etc.). Non-compliance with these conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the study program.

Educational paths is chosen after the 7th semester of study

Pre-school and Early-school Pedagogy  FTS and ExS

Pedagogika przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna S i N


Psychology FTS

Psychologia  S


After the 5th semester, training is provided in the specialty: developmental support psychology.

Law FTS and ExS

Prawo S i N


* the field  of study launches with Ministry of Education and Science approval/ * kierunek zostanie uruchomiony po uzyskaniu akceptacji MEiN

FTS -  full-time studies / S – studia stacjonarne

ExS – extra mural studies / NS – studia niestacjonarne

(t) teaching specialisation / ściezka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)


Master’s degree (MD)/ Studia drugiego stopnia (SDS)

Field of study / Kierunek studiów

Educational paths / Ścieżki kształcenia

Administration FTS and ExS

Administracja S i NS

1. Public administration / Administracja publiczna

2. Tax administration / Administracja skarbowa

National Security FTS and ExS

Bezpieczeństwo narodowe S i NS


1. Criminology with crime detection / Kryminologia z kryminalistyką

2. National defence / Obrona narodowa

3. Security management in the organization / Zarządzaniem bezpieczeństwem w organizacji

4. Information security / Bezpieczeństwo informacyjne

5. International security / Bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe

6. Occupational Safety and Health Management / Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem I higieną pracy

7. Overall safety / Bezpieczeństwo powszechne

Biology FTS and ExS

Biologia S i NS

1. Medical biology / Biologia medyczna

2. Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

3. Natural science expertise and biomonitoring / Ekspertyzy przyrodnicze i biomonitoring

Art education in the area of musical art FTS

Edukacja artystyczna w zakresie sztuki muzycznej S

  • Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

Enrollment is based on a set of required documents and the result of the entrance exam:

- performance of a musical piece on the piano (1 piece)

- performance of a musical piece on any musical instrument (1 piece)

- singing a song (2 pieces, one with your own accompaniment)

- conducting a work chosen by the commission

- intonation of a solfege exercise chosen by the commission (solfege)

- performing a rhythmic task that will be determined by the commission

Filologia angielska S i NS

English Philology FTS and ExS

1. English Philology- translation studies / Filologia angielska – translatoryczna

2. Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

3. Intercultural communication / Komunikacja interkulturowa

Enrollment is based on a set of required documents and the result of the entrance exam

German Philology FTS and ExS Filologia germańska S i NS

1. German Philology - translation studies/ Filologia germańska – translatoryczna

2. Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

Russian Philology FTS

Filologia rosyjska S

1. Media and advertising

2. Literature, theatre, film in art criticism.

Polish Philology FTS

Filologia polska S

1. Modern culture / Kultura współczesna

2. Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

Geography FTS and ExS

Geografia S i NS

1. Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

2. Tourism / Turystyka

3. Shaping and management of the natural environment / Kształtowanie i zarządzanie środowiskiem przyrodniczym

History FTS

Historia S

1. Teaching educational path (t) / Ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

2. Non-teaching education path / Ściezka nienauczycielska with the possibility of choosing a block of classes related to:

- Archiving and history of the Pomeranian region

- Diplomacy and foreign policy

- Public history: history in the media space

- History of tourism and culture

Pedagogy  FTS and ExS

Pedagogika  S i NS

Teaching specialties:

1. Care and educational pedagogy with art terapy / Pedagogika opiekuńczo-wychowawcza z arteterapią

2. Psychopedagogy /Psychopedagogika

The specialties are non-teaching:

1. Penitentiary pedagogy with criminology / Pedagogika penitencjarna z kryminologią

2. Adult education and tutoring / Edukacja dorosłych z tutoringiem

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st semester of study

Crime prevention FTS and ExS

Prewencja kryminalna S i NS

1. Penitentiary institution /Penitencjarystyka

2. Court custody /Kuratela sądowa

Educational paths is chosen after the 1st semester of study

Social work  FTS and ExS

Praca socjalna  S i NS

  • Social work in health protection with telecare / Praca socjalna w ochronie zdrowia z teleopieką


Nursing FTS and ExS

Pielęgniarstwo S i NS

  • Nursing / Pielęgniarstwo

Applicants who will be admitted to the first year of study must submit a medical certificate (from a Polish doctor) stating that there are no contraindications for professional practice. A referral to a doctor must be obtained from the Pomeranian University in Słupsk after enrollment.

At the faculties of medicine, practical classes and internships take place in medical institutions. Students are obliged to comply with internal requirements (e.g. compulsory vaccinations for health care workers, medical clothing, etc.). Non-compliance with these conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the study program.

Managment FTS and ExS

Zarządzanie S i NS

1. Tourism management/ Zarządzanie w turystyce

2. Enterprise management / Zarządzanie w przedsiębiorstwie

3. Logistic management/ Zarządzanie logistyką

4. Marketing / Marketing

5. International Business/Biznes międzynarodowy (study in English)

Tourism and recreation FTS and ExS *

Turystyka i rekreacja S i NS*



* the field  of study launches with Ministry of Science and Higher Education approval / * kierunek zostanie uruchomiony po uzyskaniu akceptacji MNiSW

FTS -  full-time studies / S – studia stacjonarne

ExS – extra mural studies / NS – studia niestacjonarne

(t) teaching educational path / ścieżka kształcenia nauczycielska (n)

Attention. Please be advised that pursuant to the Act of 13 May 2016 on Combating the Threat of Sexual Offences (Dz.U. z 2023 r. poz. 1304) - Article 21 - students of faculties related to the treatment, education and care of minors are obliged to provide a certificate of criminal record upon request.

Failure to comply with these requirements may be an obstacle to achieving the expected results and obtaining the relevant qualifications for graduation and subsequent employment.



Uniwersytet Pomorski Punkt rekrutacyjny


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76-200 Słupsk,
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